.:Waiting upon Judgment Day:.
At last exams are over and I can breathe at last. It has been a while since I was able to really breathe with assignment and exams tagging along with me. However, it is not the end of the road for me , I am currently very worried about my results. I honestly feel very discourage. All I pray that God help me in my results. Holiday mood will effective for now onwards. Tomorrow will be a big day as I am attending Planet Shakers conference 2005. On that bomb shell Good Night!
Hey.. Happy holidays!! Well, don't be discouraged lah, as long as you put in your best efforts, set your aims right, everything should be fine. Trust Him. Will pray for you.
Oh, how come this post didn't appear few days ago when I visited your blog?? Weird.. It was definitely after the conference.
hey baby...i think u'll do ok...try not to worry k? i screwed up my paper too so i noe how it feels..but hey..maybe you did pull through..who knows right? right now you just enjoy your holidays to the fullest..coz holidays are non existent for aimst students..arrgh!
love you