
Thursday, September 06, 2007

.:50 Years of Independance:.

I know I haven't been diligently updating my blog.I am just caught up with a lot of stuff.

Its been 50 years of independence for my dear Malaysia.I know there can be a lot of negative stuff that I could mention about, but needless to say I love my country dearly.There are things that I would always rant and get extremely frustrated about.However, I am born a Malaysian and there is nothing I can do to change that.

Malaysia also very much known as Bolehland, proud themselves with a variety of cultures and food.Comprise on 3 main race, Native Malay, Chinese that originated from China and Indians from India.Living in harmony and tolerance among each other is the pride of Malaysia.I know that for a fact that it is hottest and humid country.Nevertheless, its a food haven.

50 years is a long time.I dare say that Malaysia has developed.The usual quote that you would be very familiar would be " First world infrastructure , third world mentality". To some extend I do not really agree to it as it only applies to a small fracture of people in the country.Things have changed for the better and I very proud that things are the way it is.Though there are things that are and eyesore.I am sure that it will eventually change.

The first 50 years have been good.Lets see what the next 50 year can be!!!



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